Urban Farm ✕ Pantone
Really loving this Pantone series from Urban Farm and Kitchen.
Really loving this Pantone series from Urban Farm and Kitchen.
From WaPo (image above): Last month was Earth’s hottest month on record, but pumpkin-flavored coffee has arrived as if the air is crisp and leaves are on the ground. As summers grow longer because of climate change, and major companies release their pumpkin spice treats earlier and earlier, the two phenomena are moving further apart.
From AP News: In the year ending July 29, U.S. sales of pumpkin-flavored products reached $802.5 million, according to Nielsen. That’s up 42% from the same period in 2019. There are pumpkin spice Oreos, protein drinks, craft beers, cereals and even Spam. A search of “pumpkin spice” on Walmart’s website brings up more than 1,000 products. A thousand products that smell or taste like, well, pumpkin pie. It has also spawned a vocal group of detractors — and become an easy target for parodies. Comedian John Oliver once called pumpkin spice lattes “the coffee that tastes like a candle.” There’s a Facebook group called “I Hate Pumpkin Spice” and T-shirts with slogans like “Ain’t no pumpkin spice in my mug.”
SLC is really lacking in its $16 Yemeni coffee options
Complete with a new little friend that DM found for us from Uruguay!
ACD, B and J drove out to Philly to meet us for a quick day in the city! Our quick whirlwind tour included stops at Greenstreet Coffee and The Franklin Institute, and then cheesesteaks, of course.
Mom outdid herself once again. ♥